JOP - Java Optimized Processor



Cyclone Board
Acex Board

LEGO MindStorms

Teaching Material


Performance of Various Java Processors

Performance of Various Java Processors

This page contains benchmark results from various embedded Java systems. If you have access to an embedded Java devices please run the benchmark JavaBenchEmbedded V1.0 and send me your results. I will include them in the list. Thanks to Philipp Wasmayr the benchmark is also available as MIDLet. So feel free to test your Java enabled mobile phone and drop me a result.
The benchmark framework needs only two system functions: One to measure time in millisecond resolution and one to print the results. These functions are encapsulated in and can be adapted to environments, where the full Java library is not available. For example, the leJOS system has very limited output capabilities and and a special exists for this device. The benchmark is straight-forward to use. An example on a standard JVM is:
    javac jbe/
    java jbe.DoAll

1  Introduction

Table 1: JOP and various Java processors
Technology Size Speed
Logic Memory [MHz]
JOP Altera, Xilinx FPGA 1830 LCs 3KB 100
picoJava No realization 128K gates 38KB
aJile ASIC 0.25m 25K gates 48KB 100
Moon Altera FPGA 3660 LCs 4KB
Lightfoot Xilinx FPGA, ASIC 3400 LCs 4KB 40/60
Cjip ASIC 0.35m 70K gates 55KB 80
Komodo Xilinx FPGA 2600 LCs 33
FemtoJava Xilinx FPGA 2710 LCs 0.5KB 56
Table 1 lists the relevant Java processors available to date. Sun introduced the first version of picoJava [1] in 1997. Sun's picoJava is the Java processor most often cited in research papers. It is used as a reference for new Java processors and as the basis for research into improving various aspects of a Java processor. Ironically, this processor was never released as a product by Sun. A redesign followed in 1999, known as picoJava-II that is now freely available with a rich set of documentation [2,3]. The architecture of picoJava is a stack-based CISC processor implementing 341 different instructions and is the most complex Java processor available. The processor can be implemented [4] in about 440K gates.
aJile 's JEMCore is a direct-execution Java processor that is available as both an IP core and a stand alone processor [5,6]. It is based on the 32-bit JEM2 Java chip developed by Rockwell-Collins. The processor contains 48KB zero wait state RAM and peripheral components. 16KB of the RAM is used for the writable control store. The remaining 32KB is used for storage of the processor stack.
Vulcan ASIC's Moon processor is an implementation of the JVM to run in an FPGA. The execution model is the often-used mix of direct, microcode and trapped execution. As described in [7], a simple stack folding is implemented in order to reduce five memory cycles to three for instruction sequences like push-push-add. The Moon2 processor [8] is available as an encrypted HDL source for Altera FPGAs or as VHDL or Verilog source code.
The Lightfoot 32-bit core [9] is a hybrid 8/32-bit processor based on the Harvard architecture. Program memory is 8 bits wide and data memory is 32 bits wide. The core contains a 3-stage pipeline with an integer ALU, a barrel shifter and a 2-bit multiply step unit. According to DCT, the performance is typically 8 times better than RISC interpreters running at the same clock speed. The core is provided as an EDIF netlist for dedicated Xilinx devices and as ASIC.
The Cjip processor [10,11] supports multiple instruction sets, allowing Java, C, C++ and assembler to coexist. Internally, the Cjip uses 72 bit wide microcode instructions, to support the different instruction sets. At its core, Cjip is a 16-bit CISC architecture with on-chip 36KB ROM and 18KB RAM for fixed and loadable microcode. Another 1KB RAM is used for eight independent register banks, string buffer and two stack caches. Cjip is implemented in 0.35-micron technology and can be clocked up to 80MHz. The logic core consumes about 20% of the 1.4-million-transistor chip. The Cjip has 40 program controlled I/O pins, a high-speed 8 bit I/O bus with hardware DMA and an 8/16 bit DRAM interface.
Komodo [12] is a multithreaded Java processor with a four-stage pipeline. It is intended as a basis for research on real-time scheduling on a multithreaded microcontroller. The unique feature of Komodo is the instruction fetch unit with four independent program counters and status flags for four threads. A priority manager is responsible for hardware real-time scheduling and can select a new thread after each bytecode instruction.
FemtoJava [13] is a research project to build an application specific Java processor. The bytecode usage of the embedded application is analyzed and a customized version of FemtoJava is generated in order to minimize the resource usage. FemtoJava is not included in Section 2, as the processor could not run even the simplest benchmark.
Besides the real Java processors a few FORTH chips (Cjip [10], PSC1000 [14]) are marketed as Java processors. Java coprocessors (Jazelle [15], JSTAR [16]) provide Java execution speedup for general-purpose processors.
The research project Komodo has now ceased, while FemtoJava is still being used as a basis for active research. From the Table 1 we can see that JOP is the smallest realization of a hardware JVM in an FPGA and also has the highest clock frequency.

2  Performance

Running benchmarks is problematic, both generally and especially in the case of embedded systems. The best benchmark would be the application that is intended to run on the system being tested. To get comparable results SPEC provides benchmarks for various systems. However, the one for Java, the SPECjvm98 [17], is usually too large for embedded systems.
Due to the absence of a standard Java benchmark for embedded systems, a small benchmark suit that should run on even the smallest device is provided here. It contains several micro-benchmarks for evaluating the number of clock cycles for single bytecodes or short sequences of bytecodes, and two application benchmarks. To provide a realistic workload for embedded systems, a real-time application was adapted to create the first application benchmark (Kfl). The application is taken from one of the nodes of a distributed motor control system [18]. A simulation of both the environment (sensors and actors) and the communication system (commands from the master station) forms part of the benchmark, so as to simulate the real-world workload. The second application benchmark is an adaptation of a tiny TCP/IP stack for embedded Java. This benchmark contains two UDP server/clients, exchanging messages via a loopback device.
As we will see, there is a great variation in processing power across different embedded systems. To cater for this variation, all benchmarks are `self adjusting'. Each benchmark consists of an aspect that is benchmarked in a loop. The loop count adapts itself until the benchmark runs for more than a second. The number of iterations per second is then calculated, which means that higher values indicate better performance.
All the benchmarks measure how often a function is executed per second. In the Kfl benchmark, this function contains the main loop of the application that is executed in a periodic cycle in the original application. In the benchmark the wait for the next period is omitted, so that the time measured solely represents execution time. The UDP benchmark contains the generation of a request, transmitting it through the UDP/IP stack, generating the answer and transmitting it back as a benchmark function. The iteration count is the number of received answers per second.
The following list gives a brief description of the Java systems that were benchmarked:
is implemented in a Cyclone FPGA, running at 100MHz. The main memory is a 32-bit SRAM (15ns) with an access time of 2 clock cycles. The benchmarked configuration of JOP contains a 4KB method cache [19] organized in 16 blocks. The access to objects and arrays includes an indirection through a handle in preparation for the implementation of a real-time garbage collector.
As an example for a low-end embedded device we use the RCX robot controller from the LEGO MindStorms series. It contains a 16-bit Hitachi H8300 microcontroller [20], running at 16MHz. leJOS [21] is a tiny interpreting JVM for the RCX.
is a port of the Sun's KVM that is part of the Connected Limited Device Configuration (CLDC) [22] to Alteras NIOS II processor on MicroC Linux. NIOS is implemented on a Cyclone FPGA and clocked with 50MHz. Besides the different clock frequency this is a good comparison of an interpreting JVM running in the same FPGA as JOP.
is an enhanced 8051 clone running a software JVM. The results were taken from a custom board with a 20MHz crystal, and the chip's PLL is set to a factor of 2.
The measured system (SNAP) is a replacement of the TINI board and contains a Cjip clocked with 80MHz and 8MB DRAM.
is a Java batch compiler system for small microcontroller. The test platform is an 8-bit PIC18F8722 with a 10Mhz internal clock. muvium is not complete Java conform as e.g. Java int are only 16-bit.
The benchmark results of Komodo were obtained by Matthias Pfeffer [23] on a cycle-accurate simulation of Komodo.
aJ80, aJ100
aJile's JEMCore is a direct-execution Java processor that is available in two different versions: the aJ80 and the aJ100 [5]. A development system, the JStamp [24], contains the aJ80 with an 8-bit memory, clocked at 74MHz. The SaJe board from Systronix contains an aJ100 that is clocked with 103MHz and contains 10ns 32-bit SRAM.
The EJC (Embedded Java Controller) platform [25] is a typical example of a JIT system on a RISC processor. The system is based on a 32-bit ARM720T processor running at 74MHz. It contains up to 64 MB SDRAM and up to 16 MB of NOR flash.
gcj is the GNU compiler for Java. This configuration represents the batch compiler solution, running on a 266MHz Pentium under Linux.
MB is the realization of Java on a RISC processor for an FPGA (Xilinx MicroBlaze [26]). Java is compiled to C with a Java compiler for real-time systems [27] and the C program is compiled with the standard GNU toolchain.
Figure 1: Performance comparison of different Java systems with application benchmarks. The diagrams show the geometric mean of the two benchmarks in iterations per second - a higher value means higher performance. The top diagram shows absolute performance, while the bottom diagram shows the result scaled to 1MHz clock frequency.
In Figure 1, the geometric mean of the two application benchmarks is shown. The unit used for the result is iterations per second. Note that the vertical axis is logarithmic, in order to obtain useful figures to show the great variation in performance. The top diagram shows absolute performance, while the bottom diagram shows the same results scaled to a 1MHz clock frequency. The results of the application benchmarks and the geometric mean are shown in Table 2.
Table 2: Application benchmarks on different Java systems in iterations per second - a higher value is better.
Frequency Kfl UDP/IP Geom. Mean Scaled
[MHz] [Iterations/s]
JOP 100 16,591 6,527 10,406 104.1
leJOS 16 25 13 18 1.1
KVM 50 36 16 24 0.5
TINI 40 64 29 43 1.1
muvium 10 215 97 144 14.4
Cjip 80 176 91 127 1.6
Komodo 33 924 520 693 21.0
aJ80 74 2,221 1,004 1,493 20.3
aJ100 103 14,148 6,415 9,527 92.5
EJC 74 9,893 2,822 5,284 71.4
gcj 266 139,884 38,460 73,348 275.7
MB 100 3,792
It should be noted that scaling to a single clock frequency could prove problematic. The relation between processor clock frequency and memory access time cannot always be maintained. To give an example, if we were to increase the results of the 100MHz JOP to 1GHz, this would also involve reducing the memory access time from 15ns to 1.5ns. Processors with 1GHz clock frequency are already available, but the fastest asynchronous SRAM to date has an access time of 10ns.
Table 3: Execution time in clock cycles for various JVM bytecodes
JOP leJOS KVM TINI muvium Cjip Komodo aJ80 aJ100
iload iadd 2 836 2,197 789 13 55 8 38 8
iinc 8 422 2,197 388 2 46 4 41 11
ldc 9 1,340 3,296 1,128 13 670 40 67 9
if_icmplt taken 6 1,609 3,418 1,265 42 157 24 42 18
if_icmplt n/taken 6 1,520 3,296 1,211 38 132 24 40 14
getfield 22 1,879 5,738 2,398 78 320 48 142 23
getstatic 15 1,676 3,296 4,463 74 3,911 80 102 15
iaload 37 1,082 3,052 1,543 46 139 28 74 13
invoke 133 4,759 11,231 6,495 255 5,772 384 349 115
invoke static 100 3,875 9,278 5,869 194 5,479 680 271 95
invoke interface 149 5,094 11,476 6,797 261 5,908 1,617 531 153

2.1  Discussion

When comparing JOP and the aJile processor against leJOS, TINI, and KVM, we can see that a Java processor is up to 500 times faster than an interpreting JVM on a standard processor for an embedded system. The average performance of JOP is even better than a JIT-compiler solution on an embedded system, as represented by the EJC system.
Even when scaled to the same clock frequency, the compiling JVM on a PC (gcj) is much faster than either embedded solution. However, the kernel of the application is smaller than 4KB [19]. It therefore fits in the level one cache of the Pentium MMX (16KB + 16KB). For a comparison with a Pentium class processor we would need a larger application.
JOP is about 7 times faster than the aJ80 Java processor on the popular JStamp board. However, the aJ80 processor only contains an 8-bit memory interface, and suffers from this bottleneck. The SaJe system contains the aJ100 with 32-bit, 10ns SRAMs and is a about 10% slower than JOP with its 15ns SRAMs.
The MicroBlaze system is a representation of a Java batch-compilation system for a RISC processor. MicroBlaze is configured with the same cache1 as JOP and clocked at the same frequency. JOP is about four times faster than this solution, thus showing that native execution of Java bytecodes is faster than batch-compiled Java on a similar system. However, the results of the MicroBlaze solution are at a preliminary stage2, as the Java2C compiler [27] is still under development.
The micro-benchmarks are intended to give insight into the implementation of the JVM. In Table 3, we can see the execution time in clock cycles of various bytecodes. As almost all bytecodes manipulate the stack, it is not possible to measure the execution time for a single bytecode. As a minimum requirement, a second instruction is necessary to reverse the stack operation. For compiling versions of the JVM, these micro-benchmarks do not produce useful results. The compiler performs optimizations that make it impossible to measure execution times at this fine a granularity.
For JOP we can deduce that the WCET for simple bytecodes is also the average execution time. We can see that the combination of iload and iadd executes in two cycles, which means that each of these two operations is executed in a single cycle. The iinc bytecode is one of the few instructions that do not manipulate the stack and can be measured alone. As iinc is not implemented in hardware, we have a total of 8 cycles that are executed in microcode. It is fair to assume that this comprises too great an overhead for an instruction that is found in every iterative loop with an integer index. However, the decision to implement this instruction in microcode was derived from the observation that the dynamic instruction count for iinc is only 2% [28].
The sequence for the branch benchmark (if_icmplt) contains the two load instructions that push the arguments onto the stack. The arguments are then consumed by the branch instruction. This benchmark verifies that a branch requires a constant four cycles on JOP, whether it is taken or not.
The Cjip implements the JVM with a stack oriented instruction set. It is the only example (except JOP) where this instruction set is documented including the execution time [29]. We will therefore check some of the results with the numbers provided in the documentation. The execution time is given in ns, assuming a 66MHz clock. The execution time for the basic integer add operation is given as 180ns resulting in 12 cycles. The load of a local variable (when is one of the first four) takes 35 cycles. In the micro-benchmark we measure 55 cycles instead of the theoretical 47. We assume that we have to add some cycles for the fetch of the bytecodes from memory.
During the evaluation of the aJile system, unexpected behavior was observed. The aJ80 on the JStamp board is clocked at 7.3728MHz and the internal frequency can be set with a PLL. The aJ80 is rated for 80MHz and the maximum PLL factor that can be used is therefore ten. Running the benchmarks with different PLL settings gave some strange results. For example, with a PLL multiplier setting of ten, the aJ80 was about 12.8 times faster! Other PLL factors also resulted in a greater than linear speedup. The only explanation we could find was that the internal time, System.currentTimeMillis(), used for the benchmarks depends on the PLL setting. A comparison with the wall clock time showed that the internal time of the aJ80 is 23% faster with a PLL factor of 1 and 2.4% faster with a factor of ten - a property we would not expect on a processor that is marketed for real-time systems. The SaJe board can also suffer from the problem described.

2.2  Execution Time Jitter

For real-time systems, the worst-case of the execution time is of primary importance. We have measured the execution times of several iterations of the main function from the Kfl benchmark. Figure 2 shows the measurements, scaled to the minimum execution time.

Figure 2: Execution time of the main function for the Kfl benchmark. The values are scaled to the minimum execution time. The bottom figure shows a detail of the top figure.
A period of four iterations can be seen. This period results from simulating the commands from the base station that are executed every fourth iteration. At iteration 10, a command to start the motor is issued. We see the resulting rise in execution time at iteration 12 to process this command. At iteration 54, the simulation triggers the end sensor and the motor is stopped.
The different execution times in the different modes of the application are inherent in the design of the simulation. However, the ratio between the longest and the shortest period is five for the JStamp, four for the gcj system and only three for JOP. Therefore, a system with an aJile processor needs to be 1.7 times faster than JOP in order to provide the same WCET for this measurement. At iteration 33, we can see a higher execution time for the JStamp system that is not seen on JOP. This variation at iteration 33 is not caused by the benchmark.
The execution time under gcj on the Linux system showed some very high peaks (up to ten times the minimum, not shown in the figures). This observation was to be expected, as the gcj/Linux system is not a real-time solution. The Sun JIT-solution was also measured, but is omitted from the figure. As a result of the invocation of the compiler at some point during the simulation, the worst-case ratio between the maximum and minimum execution time was 1313 - showing that a JIT-compiler is impractical for real-time applications.
It should be noted that execution time measurement is not a safe method for obtaining WCET estimates. However, in situations where no WCET analysis tool is available, it can give some insight into the WCET behavior of different systems.

3  Resource Usage

Cost, alongside energy consumption, is an important issue for embedded systems. The cost of a chip is directly related to the die size (the cost per die is roughly proportional to the square of the die area [30]). Chips with fewer gates also consume less energy. Processors for embedded systems are therefore optimized for minimum chip size.
One major design objective in the development of JOP was to create a small system that could be implemented in a low-cost FPGA. Table 4 shows the resource usage for different configurations of JOP and different soft-core processors implemented in an Altera EP1C6 FPGA [31]. Estimating equivalent gate counts for designs in an FPGA is problematic. It is therefore better to compare the two basic structures, Logic Cells (LC) and embedded memory blocks.
Table 4: FPGA soft-core processors
Processor Resources Memory fmax
[LC] [KB] [MHz]
JOP Minimal 1,077 3.25 98
JOP Basic 1,452 3.25 98
JOP Typical 1,831 3.25 101
Lightfoot 3,400 4 40
NIOS A 1,828 6.2 120
NIOS B 2,923 5.5 119
SPEAR 1,700 8 80
All configurations of JOP contain a memory interface to a 32-bit static RAM and an 8-bit FLASH for the Java program and the FPGA configuration data. The minimum configuration implements multiplication and the shift operations in microcode. In the basic configuration, these operations are implemented as a sequential Booth multiplier and a single-cycle barrel shifter. The typical configuration also contains some useful I/O devices such as an UART and a timer with interrupt logic for multi-threading. The typical configuration of JOP needs about 30% of the LCs in a Cyclone EP1C6, thus leaving enough resources free for application-specific logic.
As a reference, NIOS [32], Altera's popular RISC soft-core, is also included in the list. NIOS has a 16-bit instruction set, a 5-stage pipeline and can be configured with a 16 or 32-bit datapath. Version A is the minimum configuration of NIOS. Version B adds an external memory interface, multiplication support and a timer. Version A is comparable with the minimal configuration of JOP, and Version B with its typical configuration.
SPEAR [33] (Scalable Processor for Embedded Applications in Real-time Environments) is a 16-bit processor with deterministic execution times. SPEAR contains predicated instructions to support single-path programming [34]. SPEAR is included in the list as it is also a processor designed for real-time systems.
To prove that the VHDL code for JOP is as portable as possible, JOP was also implemented in a Xilinx Spartan-3 FPGA [35]. Only the instantiation and initialization code for the on-chip memories is vendor-specific, whilst the rest of the VHDL code can be shared for the different targets. JOP consumes about the same LC count (1844 LCs) in the Spartan device, but has a slower clock frequency (83MHz).
From this comparison we can see that we have achieved our objective of designing a small processor. The commercial Java processor, Lightfoot, is 2.3 times larger (and 2.5 times slower) than JOP in the basic configuration. A typical 32-bit RISC processor consumes about 1.6 to 1.8 times the resources of JOP. However, the RISC processor can be clocked 20% faster than JOP in the same technology. The only processor that is similar in size is SPEAR. However, while SPEAR is a 16-bit processor, JOP contains a 32-bit datapath.
Table 5 provides gate count estimates for JOP, picoJava, the aJile processor, and the Intel Pentium MMX processor that is used in the benchmarks in the next section. Equivalent gate count for an LC3 varies between 5.5 and 7.4 - we chose a factor of 6 gates per LC and 1.5 gates per memory bit for the estimated gate count for JOP in the table. JOP is listed in the typical configuration that consumes 1831 LCs. The Pentium MMX contains 4.5M transistors [37] that are equivalent to 1125K gates.
Table 5: Gate count estimates for various processors
Processor Core Memory Sum.
[gate] [gate] [gate]
JOP 11K 40K 51K
picoJava 128K 314K 442K
aJile 25K 590K 615K
Pentium MMX 1125K
We can see from the table that the on-chip memory dominates the overall gate count of JOP, and to an even greater extent, of the aJile processor. The aJile processor is about 12 times larger than JOP.

4  Conclusion

We have seen that JOP is the smallest hardware realization of the JVM available to date. Due to the efficient implementation of the stack architecture, JOP is also smaller than a comparable RISC processor in an FPGA. Implemented in an FPGA, JOP has the highest clock frequency of all known Java processors.
We compared JOP against several embedded Java systems and, as a reference, with Java on a standard PC. A Java processor is up to 500 times faster than an interpreting JVM on a standard processor for an embedded system. JOP is about seven times faster than the aJ80 Java processor and about 10% faster than the aJ100. Preliminary results using compiled Java for a RISC processor in an FPGA, with a similar resource usage and maximum clock frequency to JOP, showed that native execution of Java bytecodes is faster than compiled Java.


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1The MicroBlaze with a 8KB data and 8KB instruction cache is about 1.6 times faster than JOP. However, a 16KB memory is not available in low-cost FPGAs and is an unbalanced system with respect to the LC/memory relation.
2As not all language constructs can be compiled, only the Kfl benchmark was measured. Therefore, the performance bar for MicroBlaze is missing in Figure 1
3The factors are derived from the data provided for various processors and from the resource estimates in [36].

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Copyright © 2000-2007, Martin Schoeberl